The meeting was called to order by President JoAnn Smith at 6:50 pm. Present were JoAnn Smith, Marla Patterson, Ernie Staudt, Sharon Erwin, Ron Tracy and Al Walker.

Primary discussion involved the summer picnic that the unit seems to want to have. The dates in August appear best--the 12th or 19th. The KofC is available either date. Ernie suggested a park would be a cheaper venue, as long as we eliminated alcohol. The latter did not seem to matter to most members per se. Ernie will do some checking about the parks and report back. We usually play an individual game; there was also a suggestion about CAPT Teams. Decision to be made later.

Secondary issue involved sanctioning the sectional for next year, as the dates we have with the college either are the end of the NABC in St Louis or Easter. If we go into April it will be really out of our time frame and may conflict with college activities. The Board's decision was to go for our usual dates of 22-23-24 March 2013. We may not get our pick of Director because of NABC conflicts, but so be it. Easter is apparently an issue about every 5 years.

Other new business:

1. We need replacement cards for the boards. We encourage anyone who has new decks hanging around the house (the free ones often passed out at tournaments) to donate them. Remember they need to be bridge cards not just Bicycle playing cards--they are too wide to fit the boards. Otherwise, Sharon is authorized to buy what we need to spruce up the sets.

2. We have $1764.92 in checking.

3. Ron will once again offer his mini lesson about bridge etiquette and ethics before each session.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,