The meeting was called to order by President JoAnn Smith at 6:30 pm. Present were JoAnn Smith, Marla Patterson, Ernie Staudt, Al Walker and Donna Bailey, Ron Tracy, and Sharon Erwin. Minutes were reviewed by President, as the was traveling the last meeting. Approved as presented.


1. Ernie and Sharon will deal with the IRS letter and make sure that the required forms are filed.

2. Board authorized the expenditure of $500 for a new computer.

SECTIONAL: Still working; many conflicts between venue and director availability. Marla has met with the Medallion and will try to finalize a contract. NOTE: THIS ISSUE REMAINS UNRESOLVED. WE ARE NOW EXPLORING THE DATES OF 11-13 APRIL.

CHRISTMAS PARTY CHEF: Ernie still negotiating; board feels $300 is about right. Party is 15 DEC 13.

PICNIC: Deposit received back. Spent about $260. Appears to be a lot of work for the number of people who benefit. Revisit this issue in the spring.


1. JoAnn has talked to home folks about an additional game on Sunday. We could rent our current space for $25/week. It would try to attract those folks that currently do not play on WED., although everyone would be welcome.

2. Biggest deterrent is a committed director(s) who can run the game to our satisfaction; hard for the current directors to take on this addition.

3. Sharon will send out an email poll to U437 members.


1. Please emphasize "DIRECTOR, PLEASE" when they need to be called. Assure new people that it is for their protection not a personal slam. Call at ANY irregularity WHEN it happens--it is for the good of the game.

2. Learn to Play Bridge in a Day is a new option out. Sharon will see about an application for us.

3. Time once again to consider new board members--EVERYONE is responsible for persuading members to run; it is OK to have more candidates than there are slots available.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,