The meeting was called to order by President JoAnn Smith at 6:35 pm. Present were JoAnn Smith, Marla Patterson, Ernie Staudt, Turid Fredrickson, Ron Tracy and Sharon Erwin. Joe Ulrich arrived later. Minutes of previous meeting have been posted; no corrections noted.



1. Most things well under control; sign up sheet has been lost, Marla put out a new one and announced the need for help.

2. We had some issues with our payment because the contract wasn't clear, but they have all been settled.

3. Food: cookies primarily for Saturday. Sunday we will do Costco pizza, salad, and water. It was decided that we would NOT do beer and hot dogs this year; maybe next, when we are familiar with the place.

4. David Taylor has confirmed that he will be there and, while he will not set up a bookstore, he will have stuff in the truck available if someone asks.

5. Sharon already with supplies list; we give Ernie the partnership slips and the banner. Marla will talk to the church about using the electric sign. (Note: this was approved, ACBL bridge will be on the sign starting Friday.) Need 3 coolers for sodas--Marla, JoAnn, Turid.

6. Marla will provide a local restaurant listing.

7. JoAnn will bring trash bags for recycling.

8. The after party will be at Sharon's. She says she has the food covered, drinks to be determined..


1. Minutes from Jan meeting done, but I forgot to send them to members. They will come with this set.

2. Sunday Game: Nick, Marla, and Dave Fallen will direct to begin, but really would like to train a couple more so that no one is "tied up". Sharon will get the sanction from ACBL. Tentatively plan 2 games a month to start at 1pm. Marla will check the calendar to see if 1st/3rd vs 2nd/4th would matter. Tentative start date is May.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Next meeting scheduled for the Sunday, 23 Mar, after the sectional.

Respectfully submitted,