The meeting was called to order by President Marla Patterson at 6:17 pm.

 Present were Marla Patterson, Turid Fredrickson, David Fallen, JoAnn Smith, Carol Proctor, Mark Lawson, and Sharon Erwin.


The Minutes for Sep 21, 2016 were approved.


The current version of the bylaws were posted to the Unit website.  Marla noted that additional changes may be desired. When these changes are drafted (in January) we can give a 14-day notice of a special meeting for that purpose.  It was suggested we could do that in conjunction with our sectional tournament.  We would send out the revised bylaws and summary of changes in advance, and the actual meeting could be quite brief.


The board approved the acquisition of a new lock for our storage cabinet.


The board approved moving to 6 board rounds for our monthly Swiss game in order to bring about a more reasonable ending time.


Sharon reported that the ACBL has imposed table fee hikes.  The unit game increase is 85%.  The board agreed to send an objection to the ACBL.


Sharon also noted that the rent for our playing space will increase next year.  The amount is currently being negotiated. The options for handling the increased fees and rent are (1) eat them if the Sectional tournament brings in enough money to make this feasible, (2) increase to amount charged to member for playing, or (3) reduce or eliminate our charity donations.  This discussion was tabled until the numbers are settled.


The board decided on a 7:15 start time beginning the first of the year.


The Christmas party was discussed and it appeared all the Unit’s ducks were in a row.  For next year’s Christmas party we will try for an earlier date.


Meeting adjourned 6:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
David Fallen