The meeting was called to order by President Marla Patterson at 6:05 pm. Present were JoAnn Smith, Melinda Lawson, Mark Lawson, and Sharon Erwin. Dave Fallen joined us at 6:30.


1.Minutes were sent out, read, and had only minor typo corrections. The minutes were approved for April, May, and June. Because of our eclectic meeting schedule, minutes will be sent out right after the meeting and corrected and approved electronically, so that they can be posted in a timely manner.

2.Operating Agreement with D19 to hold their GNT in conjunction with our Sectional in March was approved. Just confirmed that it was properly recorded, etc.

3.Reviewed Non-Profit status info. It seems like it is a good idea to renew our exemption. DAVE was tasked with completing the online paperwork, as he has been the one to do the original research.


 Each board member was asked to write down the list of tasks that they are responsible for, including a step by step “Go-bye� if it is required, so that a new person would know how to do it—a basic job description if you will. We had asked this before, but don’t know if they were ever collected up. All members should submit their lists to Marla by 15 Jan 18.

 Members approved the Game Schedule for 2018. Date for Christmas Party remains tentative, as we would like to move it later in the month. See attached. NOTE: Jo reserved Hall for 16 Dec for next year’s Christmas Party.

 Christmas Party is 3 Dec. Flyers and sign-up sheets are on the table. Club will provide drinks and main course. Members will bring appetizers, salads, and dessert. Email notice went out and Sharon will sent Postcard invites to those members who do not have email.

 Elections: Dave, Jo, and Marla are up for reelection. One position will be for 3 yrs; 2 for 2yrs to get us on our previously approved schedule. Will open up the nominations to anyone else interested. Sharon will put out the invitation in an email. Next year we will try to start recruitment in OCT.

 Staff bonuses were approved, with concerned members abstaining from the vote. Jo will take care of cards and checks.

 Charity contributions were discussed. Jo will send email with last year’s and make a

proposal this year. It will be approved electronically and confirmed in the next minutes.

 We discussed growing the club—ZT, Open House, business cards, new game, another place to play, this will be an ongoing discussion for the new year. See attached business card for approval. The back could be directions and/or free play coupon. Comments, suggestios?

Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm. Next meeting 03 Dec at the Christmas Party.

Respectfully submitted,



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