

The meeting was called to order by President JoAnn Smith at 1235 pm.  Members present were Marla Patterson, Sharon Erwin, Dave Fallen, Cliff Marx, Steve Wise and Ernie Staudt. 


MINUTES:  Minutes of the 5 January 22 meeting were APPROVED as read.


OLD BUSINESS:  No old business.




1.      Finances:  Checking is our only account now and it has $14,038.46.  We believe that the security deposit from Beautiful Savior has been returned, but Dave will verify this. (Note: it had been.)

2.      We again discussed the viability of the club and decided that we have the resources to at least try to resurrect the game.  Steve moved that we reopen the game ASAP. APPROVED.

a.       Ernie will recheck about availability and requirements for Everett Senior Center.

b.      Looking at Tuesday or Wednesday midday, starting around 1030 or 1100, with a short break for lunch.

c.       Membership in the Sr Center is required ($25/yr—includes parking); we left the question of possible reimbursement.

d.      David will renew our insurance.

e.        Need updated Web presence both on our own site and on D19.  Dave is in charge.


3.       CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION TO THE BOARD:  The following were certified as officially elected to the board:  JoAnne Smith, Marla Patterson, and Steve Wise.

4.      SECTIONAL:  Marla will call Julie and see why we haven’t gotten the contract for 2023—we have a date and a sanction.  Sharon will try to have the flyer out for Lynnwood.

5.      ELECTION OF OFFICERS:  the following were elected for the coming year:

a.       President:                    Marla Patterson

b.      Vice-President            :           Steve Wise

c.       Secretary:                    JoAnne Smith

d.      Treasurer:                    Dave Fallen

6.      CHRISTMAS PARTY:  We would like to try for the Christmas Party again this year.  Ernie will check on availability.  And, Marla will see if Turid still has an in at Normana Hall.



Meeting adjourned at 1:53 pm.  Next meeting TBD.


Respectfully submitted,